BizInt Cookbook of Reports & Visualizations

Cookbook of Reports & Visualizations | © 2023 BizInt Solutions, Inc., 06 /2023

Analyzing Companies by Phase with a Bubble Chart and a Multi Donut Chart [Pipeline DP-18] How did we create this? START WITH: Any supported drug pipeline (or clinical trials) data already displayed in BizInt Smart Charts. Any combined drug pipeline chart created with current software will have the columns used here. BIZINT SMART CHARTS DRUG DEVELOPMENT SUITE 1. Display the necessary columns: Use View | Apply Template and choose “BizInt Editor’s Choice - Multi-Database.” Alternatively you can use View | Columns to add a company name column and phase column visible in your chart. You can use the extracted highest phase for an indication if you have it. 2. Select File | Send to Reference Rows . BIZINT SMART CHARTS REFERENCE ROWS 3. Use File | Export to export as VantagePoint - Smart Charts Edition. VantagePoint - Smart Charts Edition (VP-SCE) should open and import the file. If VP-SCE does not launch automatically, launch it and choose the option to import the .vpxi file. VANTAGEPOINT - SMART CHARTS EDITION - create the bubble chart and/or donut chart 4. Set Phase as the Data Type for your phase field : Right click on the Highest Phase (Normalized) field, and from the “Set Data Type” submenu, select “Custom” and then “Phase”. This will cause phases to sort properly in your visualization. 5. Select phases to include (Bubble Chart) : Double-clcik on Highest Phase (Normalized) to view the list. Select the phases you want to include. You can use Ctrl+click to select non-adjacent items. Right-click and choose Add Selection to Group and name the group, such as “map” and click OK. 6. Create Phase Categories (Donuts) : Under the Refine tab, click on List Cleanup and click OK to use the default settings. Drag and drop phases onto a single item to combine into broad categories. For example, you can drag all the clinical phases onto a single item. Then right-click on the group and choose Rename Item. Rename the new group “Clinical”. When you finish creating and renaming groups, click Accept. You can skip saving the thesaurus. You should now have less than seven rows checked off in the map group. 7. Under the Refine tab, select Create Field From Group | Items . Check the box for the map group. Scroll down to change the New Field Name to Highest Phase (Groups) and click OK. 8. Remove company suffixes : Return to the Summary Sheet. (Optional) Right click on Developer and choose Further Processing | Remove | Company Suffix . Alternatively, remove text in parentheses: right-click on Developer and use Further Processing | Read Until - First | Paren . 9. Finish cleaning up Company Names : Click on List Cleanup . Under matching ruleset, select Organization Names (Pharma) and click OK. 10. Use the Cleanup Confirmation panel to clean-up terms : On either panel, drag and drop names to combine terms. (For example, drag “Genzyme” onto “Sanofi”). When you are done with clean-up, click the Accept button. You may wish to save the Thesaurus for future projects. If you choose an existing thesaurus when you save, you have the option to Merge. For more information on using List Cleanup, see the Techniques: Using List Cleanup recipe. 11. Select the top companies : A visualization with the full list will likely be too large and hard to read. Select the top 10 rows on the cleaned up list of companies. Right-click and choose Add Selection to Group and name the group, such as “Top” and click OK. 12. Create the Bubble Chart: Click on the Report tab and then on Bubble Chart. Select your cleaned companies field for Rows. Then select the group you created: click the Select a group radio button and choose your group from the drop-down. Select Highest Phase (Sort) for Columns and then click Run. 13. Create the Donut chart: Click on Multi Donut. Select your cleaned company field as the “field to use for each donut chart”. For

the “Field for Categories” use HIghest Phase (Groups). Scroll down and click Run. You can click on Export Image to choose from a range of options to export your chart.


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