PIUG 2021 Workshops - Monday/Friday

PIUG 2021 Workshops - Monday and Friday

Patent Information Users Group, Inc.

Contents The Importance of Alternative Search Methodologies – How Ambercite can enhance your search capabilities 2 Taming the dragon: how to tackle CN legal event data 4 Orbit BioSequence and the many uses of combinations 6 WIPO’s global patent database PATENTSCOPE: what’s new? 8 Monday & Friday: WORKSHOPS

The changing face of patent software solutions, what’s next on the horizon at Minesoft? 10 GenomeQuest Discover Analysis – Prioritization and Annotation Strategies 12 Visualizing IFI CLAIMS Direct Data in Tableau 14 The Trifecta of Expert Curated Data: SequenceBase,

Derwent Innovation & Innography 16 What’s New in BizInt Smart Charts? 18 STN Patent Forum 20

Unconventional Times Require Unconventional Search and Analysis Techniques

Monday, May 24 – Friday, May 28  Virtual Meeting 2021 ANNUAL CONFERENCE

Meeting Book prepared by BizInt Solutions Inc., a proud sponsor of the 2021 PIUG Annual Conference


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

 M O N D A Y M O R N I N G 9 : 0 0 A M – 12 : 3 0 P M | W O R K S H O P S

The Importance of Alternative Search Methodologies – How Ambercite can enhance your search capabilities Mike Lloyd, Ambercite 9:00 – 10:00 am  ABSTRACT The workshop will show how using Ambercite’s AI assisted citation-based searchingyou can often find patents that are missed by language-based tools relying on keywords and semantics, and how using Ambercitein conjunction with language based toolscan improve the quality and productivity of your searchprocesses.  BIOGRAPHY As well as his role as Sr.VP, Business Development, Mike also acts as an IP economic consultant for various IP Law Firms and corporations. He brings extensive knowledge and experience of IP management, as well as more traditional approaches to patent analysis. Mike has advanced degrees and background in chemical engineering and IP law, and has studied and worked in New Zealand, Sweden, Finland and Australia. He’s published in the areas of chemical engineering, patent management, patent value and the use of patent data in a wide range of publications and forums, and has presented on patent analysis at conferences worldwide.

Outside of work, when not helping out at his local junior athletics club, Mike loves riding – anything on two wheels.


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

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The Importance of Alternative Search Methodologies – How Ambercite can enhance your search capabilities  Mike Lloyd , Ambercite


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

 M O N D A Y M O R N I N G 9 : 0 0 A M – 12 : 3 0 P M | W O R K S H O P S

Taming the dragon: how to tackle CN legal event data Jutta Haußer, European Patent Office 9:00 – 10:00 am

 ABSTRACT When talking about prior art search, the huge amount of patent and utility model applications being filed in China, most without other family members, it seems sometimes like we have to face a terrific monster. When – in case of FTO searches – we even have to understand and interpret – the corresponding legal event data – the monster even changes into the legendary dragon. However, we invite you to tame this dragon together: We will define what is considered a legal event in China, what kind of information is available and where, discuss when an event is legally effective and how INPADOC legal event classification assists you in interpreting your findings. Finally, we will look at different case studies and show how analysing legal event information can support your business decisions.  BIOGRAPHY Jutta Haußer studied Japanese and Chinese studies at the University of Munich (Germany) and holds a PhD in Japanese Studies. She has spent several years in Taiwan and Japan doing research. From 1992 to 2005, she was assistant professor at the University of Munich, LMU. She joined the European Patent Office in 2007. As a member of the EPO’s Asian patent information team, now Worldwide IP Knowledge, she was originally mainly responsible for facilitating access to and monitoring Japanese patent information, but is now also covering a broader range, including China and other jurisdictions. She regularly gives seminars on Asian patent information. You are welcome to send your own cases beforehand and/or propose them during the workshop.


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Taming the dragon: how to tackle CN legal event data  Jutta Haußer, European Patent Office


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

 M O N D A Y M O R N I N G 9 : 0 0 A M – 12 : 3 0 P M | W O R K S H O P S

Orbit BioSequence and the many uses of combinations Denis Bayada, Questel 10:15 – 11:15 am

 ABSTRACT We will show the numerous ways Orbit BioSequence can combine patent sequence searching and other types of patent searches. Frommixing chemistry and sequences to discovering important keywords via analysis. We will also show a glimpse of future developments.  BIOGRAPHY Denis Bayada has worked in patents in sequences for over 18 years where he has developed software and helped customers understand complex sequence in patent problems in a variety of domains such as plant research, biotechnology and pharmaceutics. Denis completed a PhD in chemo-informatics in 1995. While working for pharmaceutical companies on drug discovery, Denis moved to bioinformatics where he worked on the early human genomes. This led him to do research in a public laboratory on metagenomics analysis.


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Orbit BioSequence and the many uses of combinations  Denis Bayada, Questel


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

 M O N D A Y M O R N I N G 9 : 0 0 A M – 12 : 3 0 P M | W O R K S H O P S

WIPO’s global patent database PATENTSCOPE: what’s new? Sandrine Ammann, WIPO 10:15 – 11:15 am

 ABSTRACT Patent families, NPL and Markush search now available in PATENTSCOPE

New in 2021 in PATENTSCOPE:

Patent family information for all documents. Patent family information allows to group the results so that the same invention appear only once to save time going through the results and translation efforts if the same document is available in different languages; free of charge Markush search available since April 2021 in PATENTSCOPE. Markush structures are commonly used in patent documents in order to protect whole classes of compounds with common properties. Non-Patent Literature (NPL) has started to be made available in PATENTSCOPE so that all the search, translation and sort features of PATENTSCOPE can be applied to NPL as well. IPC codes are available for NPL through automatic allocation. • Over the years, the World Intellectual Property Organization ‘s global patent database PATENT- SCOPE has been evolving from a database containing only published PCT applications to a data- base that contains now, on top of the published PCT applications, more than 60 collections shared by national and regional patent offices. • Also over the years, the search functionalities and result analysis have been developed in order to include, to name a few, the chemical search, thepossibility to search in many different languages, the sorting of the results according to different criteria and built-in house and trained on patent data translation tool.

All the search features, analysis and translation tools in PATENTSCOPE are available free of charge.

 BIOGRAPHY Sandrine Ammann joined WIPO many years ago as a translator and after obtaining a degree in management and communication she is now in charge of the communication related to the WIPO Global Databases namely the Brand and Design Databases and PATENTSCOPE that will be presented in the workshop.


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WIPO’s global patent database PATENTSCOPE: what’s new?  Sandrine Ammann, WIPO


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

 M O N D A Y M O R N I N G 9 : 0 0 A M – 12 : 3 0 P M | W O R K S H O P S

The changing face of patent software solutions, what’s next on the horizon at Minesoft? TimCampbell, Minesoft 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

 ABSTRACT Eight months after the release of PatBase 2.0, Tim Campbell will discuss how the latest iteration of PatBase has been received by Users across North America and internationally and what has been added since. Most notably, the Export Module has been completely revamped and is nowmuch faster, with clearer formatting and is more convenient to use. Timwill explore some of the neat new features added to PatDocs, a multi-use application to assist with all your IP legal operations. PatDocs has many time-saving features including downloadable legal documents and reports, and family tree mapping. Minesoft’s PAIR Alertsare included in PatDocs and have now been expanded to include some internationalcoverage. With colleagues working from home or across locations and borders, it’s easy to feel disconnected due to lack of face-to-face contact, everyday conversations and even a generally interrupted schedule. Timwill end the session by explaining how you can get reconnected with Minesoft’s IPShare, a new, innovative application designed to help your team connect more effectively.  BIOGRAPHY T im Campbell is Vice President, North America for Minesoft. Minesoft is an IP tools development company based in the UK that has been successfully and exclusively working in the IP space for 20 years. Prior to joining Minesoft Tim has worked with RWS/inovia, Thomson Reuters and was one of the Founders of IP.com. IP.com created the Prior Art Database modelled after the IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin.


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

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The changing face of patent software solutions, what’s next on the horizon at Minesoft?  TimCampbell, Minesoft


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

 M O N D A Y M O R N I N G 9 : 0 0 A M – 12 : 3 0 P M | W O R K S H O P S

GenomeQuest Discover Analysis – Prioritization and Annotation Strategies Steve Allen, GenomeQuest 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

 ABSTRACT The GenomeQuest Discover browser can aid in preparing and reporting prioritized data through filtering, annotation of key items, and specific sorts that present the data in an organized fashion. For example, there may be interest in assessing the current status of an antibody, and whether or not it may go off patent. Preparing a report for legal analysis that clearly indicates the priority data can be critical. This can be challenging, particularly for older IP that can return hundreds of thousands of hits.

We will review some of the techniques and interfaces to prepare reports, including a search of six antibody CDR sequences. These techniques can be applied in other areas as well.

 BIOGRAPHY Steve Allen joined Aptean GenomeQuest in September of 2017, he is the Solutions Consultant for GenomeQuest & LifeQuest. Steve previously worked at Dupont and his background includes work in a patent group and work as a computational biologist in an agricultural discovery group. Steve has been working with sequence data of one form or another for over 30 years.


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GenomeQuest Discover Analysis – Prioritization and Annotation Strategies  Steve Allen, GenomeQuest


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

 M O N D A Y A F T E R N O O N 12 : 4 5 P M – 4 : 1 5 P M | W O R K S H O P S

Visualizing IFI CLAIMS Direct Data in Tableau David Santamauro (main presenter), Janice Stevenson (MC), Claire Hammond, Toby Hart Dyke, IFI CLAIMS 12:45 – 1:45 pm  ABSTRACT The IFI CLAIMS Direct platform provides the highest quality patent informationavailable. Using both CLAIMS Direct Reports and Tableau’s Wed Data Connector for direct, dynamic access to the CLAIMS Direct API, we’ll explore a variety pf patent data statistics and aggregation concepts through visualizations to shed light on the dense world of patents.

Join us as we explore:

• Leveraging the CLAIMS Direct API as Tableau data source • Elements available for statistical interpretation. • Use cases for patent visualizations.

 BIOGRAPHIES David Santamauro , CTO, IFI CLAIMS – David was previously Chief Data and Systems Architect at Thomson Scientific from 2004 to 2007 where he designed and developed distributed back- end search, storage and data retrieval for the Patent Web, MPI, Aureka and subsequent Thomson Innovation product lines. From 2000 to 2004 David was a key patent content developer for MicroPatent responsible for content analysis and large-scale data processing, loading and search operations. Janice Stevenson , EVP Client Services, IFI Claims – Janice applies her vast client support experience to providing IFI clients the foundation they need to bring their applications to full fruition. She draws on past experience as a trainer, sales manager, and developer focused on intellectual property and patent applications. Claire Hammond , Content Specialist at IFI CLAIMS Patent Services – Claire applies her patent expertise and application background to help analyze, map and review IFI’s data to ensure the highest quality standards. Her past roles included providing support, training, and updating IP applications and their processes while helping users reduce legal risk and identify high value patents in their patent applications. Toby Hart Dyke – Toby worked for many years for Derwent (now Clarivate) in both the UK and in the U.S. His initial chemistry background gave way to stints in all things data related. Toby had spells with Lexis-Nexis and Lighthouse IP as well as forays into trademarks, semantic software, and the travel industry. In addition, Toby has experience in a number of entrepreneurial start-ups, including the application of Ai to patent searching.


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Visualizing IFI CLAIMS Direct Data in Tableau  David Santamauro(main presenter), Janice Stevenson(MC), Claire Hammond, Toby Hart Dyke - IFI CLAIMS


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

 M O N D A Y A F T E R N O O N 12 : 4 5 P M – 4 : 1 5 P M | W O R K S H O P S

Introducing Patent Search & Analytics from Relativity Ryan Hynes and JimWitte, Relativity 12:45 – 1:45 pm

 ABSTRACT Patent search is fundamental to your IP practice. But the process can be slow, and often requires third-party help. You need results today – not two weeks from now. Relativity takes the time and effort out of patent searching with two service options: Either run your own searches, or have the Relativity team run them for you – with high-quality references delivered in less than two business days.

Whichever option you choose, you’ll pay per project. No up-front spend, and no commitment.

We’ll show you how to:

• Run your own searches in a few easy steps. • Have the Relativity team run searches for you – with results in two days. • Refine, expand, and iterate search results with the click of a button (and at no extra charge

Curious, but can’t make the webinar? Get in touch with us at https://relativity.com/patents and your first search is on us.

 BIOGRAPHIES Ryan Hynes , Relativity – Ryan Hynes is a software engineer, attorney, and the architect and co- creator of Relativity Patents. Prior to Relativity Patents, Ryan served as Relativity’s Assistant Counsel, where he managed the patent portfolios of Relativity’s Legal Hold and Collect products. Ryan also worked as a software engineer, and was a founding member of the DevOps teams leading the SaaS transformation to RelativityOne. Ryan has B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Illinois Institute of Technology, a J.D. from Chicago-Kent, and is completing a PhD in economics from University College Dublin. JimWitte , Relativity – Jim leads the product management and engineering functions for Relativity Patents. Prior to Patents, Jim had been in software product management roles for more than ten years in fields including automotive, finance, and legal technology. He has been developing new products in key areas of the Relativity platform for 5 years. Jim holds a B.A. in Urban & Economic Geography from Northern Illinois University and a M.B.A. in Finance from DePaul University.


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

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Introducing Patent Search & Analytics from Relativity  Ryan Hynes and JimWitte, Relativity


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

 M O N D A Y A F T E R N O O N 12 : 4 5 P M – 4 : 1 5 P M | W O R K S H O P S

The Trifecta of Expert Curated Data: SequenceBase, Derwent Innovation & Innography Laura Bantle, Jonathan Beaty, Chris Baldwin - Clarivate 2:00 – 3:00 pm

 ABSTRACT Join us for a tour of new and enhanced data integration in our Patent Intelligence product suite. This session will illustrate different workflows to leverage GENESEQ data, the Derwent World Patents Index (DWPI) and Darts-ip global patent litigation data to support all stages of the IP life cycle.  BIOGRAPHIES Laura Bantle , Registered Patent Attorney #70,462, Solution Consultant – Laura is a registered US patent attorney and is a member of the Minnesota Bar, with 10 years of experience in IP due diligence, patent and legal research, litigation strategy, and contract drafting. Her primary goal is working with customers to successfully develop and implement their patent research, analytics, and portfolio strategy. Laura earned her B.S. from the College of Biological Sciences at the University of Minnesota, and graduated magna cum laude fromWilliam Mitchell College of Law where she served as Editor-in-Chief of the Cybaris® Intellectual Property Law Review. Prior to joining Clarivate Analytics, Laura gained corporate industry experience in pharmaceutical regulatory compliance, patent licensing, and M&A due diligence. Jonathan Beaty , Intellectual Property Intelligence Solutions Consultant – Jonathan is a Solution Consultant at Clarivate with a particular focus in the Innography business. Prior to joining Clarivate, Jonathan was an engineer in the autonomous driving and telematics space at a fortune 500 company, a patent analyst at an AM Law 100 firm, and a patent prosecution practitioner in the electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering spaces at another AM Law 100 firm. Jonathan’s primary goal, both as a former customer of many Clarivate solutions and as a Clarivate consultant, is to solve our customers and prospects technical IP challenges across the IP lifecycle. Jonathan earned his B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering at Oregon State University. Chris Baldwin , Director, Solutions Team Americas – Chris has been involved in the patent information field for over 20 years and is currently the Director of the Solutions Team for the Americas Region Patent Sales at Clarivate. Prior to joining Clarivate, Chris was a solution consultant for LexisNexis PatentSight helping clients use patent analytics to inform critical business decisions. He started his career in 1996 and honed his patent analysis skills as an information scientist with E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co. supporting Central Research & Development’s discovery and innovation engine until 2016. Chris has been a member of PIUG, on and off, since 1999 and was a recipient of a 2019 PIUG Service Award for his volunteer work for the organization. Chris lives in Newark, DE with his wife Carrie and two children: Ryan and Kaytelin. If you are curious to know how he spends his time outside of the patent world: you may find him on hiking on the Appalachian Trail with the Boy Scouts, camping in the mountains of West Virginia, surfing at the (South) Jersey Shore, or working on a project in his workshop.


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

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The Trifecta of Expert Curated Data: SequenceBase, Derwent Innovation & Innography  Laura Bantle, Jonathan Beaty, Chris Baldwin - Clarivate


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

 M O N D A Y A F T E R N O O N 12 : 4 5 P M – 4 : 1 5 P M | W O R K S H O P S

What’s New in BizInt Smart Charts? JohnWillmore, BizInt Solutions 3:15 – 4:15 pm

 ABSTRACT Learn about the latest features in BizInt Smart Charts for Patents for creating reports integrating data from the leading patent and IP sequence databases.  BIOGRAPHY JohnWillmore is co-founder of BizInt Solutions Inc., and manages the development of all aspects of the BizInt Smart Charts product line. John has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Rice University and over 20 years of experience developing software to work with patent and IP sequence data. Based in Seattle, John enjoys woodworking, gardening and training and competing with his longhaired dachshunds.


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What’s New in BizInt Smart Charts?  JohnWillmore, BizInt Solutions


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

 F R I D A Y M O R N I N G 9 : 0 0 A M – 12 : 0 0 P M | W O R K S H O P

STN Patent Forum Darryl French, CAS; JimBrown, FIZ-K; John Zabilski, CAS 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

 ABSTRACT STN Patent Forum

9:00am-10:00am “What’s New in STNext”

10:00am-11:00am “Catalyst Searching on STNext”

11:00am-12:00pm “New Approaches on STNext for Finding Antibody Drug Conjugates”

 BIOGRAPHIES Darryl French is a Customer Success Specialist at CAS, where he helps train and support accounts with the SciFinder Discovery Platform, the STN IP Protection Suite and CAS Scientific Patent Explorer. An organic chemist, he worked at the USPTO as a prior art searcher for four years before coming to CAS as a document analyst before moving into his current role. JimBrown is presently the Senior Key Account Manager for FIZ Karlsruhe in the U.S. His current duties at FIZ Karlsruhe Inc. include sales, customer trainings, authoring workshop manuals and presentations, and representing FIZ at conferences and exhibits. Jimwas on the PIUG Board of Directors from June 2010 to June 2012 in the position of secretary; from June 2012 to June 2016 he served on the PIUG Board of Directors as Vice-Chair. John Zabilski is currently a Senior Principal Customer Success Specialist at Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) training strategic accounts on the SciFinder-n Discovery Platform, the STN IP Protection Suite and the CAS Scientific Patent Explorer. John has been at CAS for nearly 40 years, starting in the editorial division, serving in product development and additional technical positions. John is a registered US Patent Agent (No. 59,626), a Qualified Patent Information Professional (Registration No.20190010100257) and the chair of the PIUG Education and Training Committee.


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

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STN Patent Forum  Darryl French, CAS; JimBrown, FIZ-K; John Zabilski, CAS

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