PIUG 2021 Workshops - Monday/Friday


PIUG 2021  Annual Conference  WORKSHOPS

 M O N D A Y A F T E R N O O N 12 : 4 5 P M – 4 : 1 5 P M | W O R K S H O P S

What’s New in BizInt Smart Charts? JohnWillmore, BizInt Solutions 3:15 – 4:15 pm

 ABSTRACT Learn about the latest features in BizInt Smart Charts for Patents for creating reports integrating data from the leading patent and IP sequence databases.  BIOGRAPHY JohnWillmore is co-founder of BizInt Solutions Inc., and manages the development of all aspects of the BizInt Smart Charts product line. John has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Rice University and over 20 years of experience developing software to work with patent and IP sequence data. Based in Seattle, John enjoys woodworking, gardening and training and competing with his longhaired dachshunds.

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