PIUG 2021 - Thursday (Biotech)


PIUG 2021  BIOTECH DAY  Virtual Meeting

 T H U R S D A Y A F T E R N O O N 12 : 3 0 P M – 3 : 5 5 P M

Identifying the Key Patents in Cancer Immunotherapy with Unique Patent Search Strategy Dr. Sarbani Chattopadhyay (Consultant, LexisNexis PatentSight) 1:00 – 1:35 pm  ABSTRACT The technique to deploy the body’s own immune system to identify and address genetic and cellular alterations due to cancer led to the field of Onco-immunology. The therapies that have emerged and are being developed in this field are expected to lead to oncolytic vaccines and other remedies to treat a range of human cancers, beyond melanoma. This rapidly developing field has very active ongoing patenting activity and it is crucial to have a through monitoring of the patent literature to ascertain the direction of development in the field of cancer immunotherapy. A unique strategy to generate the search syntax to define this field is to address each stage of the cell immunity cycle so that patents related to each of the stages can be retrieved. Such details bring to the forefront not only established players in this field but also emerging key players in the field that have path breaking invention worthy of being protected by patents.  BIOGRAPHY Dr. Sarbani Chattopadhyay PhD, LL.M., is a computational biologist with a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Calcutta in Calcutta, India, and a LL.M. in European IP and IT Law from the University of Göttingen in Göttingen, Germany. As a Consultant at PatentSight GmbH, a LexisNexis company, in Bonn, Germany, she works with clients all across the globe in different technology fields in searching and analyzing patents, patent landscape and technologies from a patent perspective, where she utilizes her knowledge and expertise in combination with the PatentSight Business Intelligence Analytics Software to gain insights about patent portfolios and technologies.

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