PIUG 2021 - Thursday (Biotech)


PIUG 2021  BIOTECH DAY  Virtual Meeting

 T H U R S D A Y A F T E R N O O N 12 : 3 0 P M – 3 : 5 5 P M

Using KNIME for Mining and Combining Scientific and Patent Data for Insights: RNA Examples Anne Marie Clark (CAS IP Services) andMatthewMcBride (CAS) 1:35 – 2:10 pm  ABSTRACT Therapeutic use of RNA is increasing as shown by the recently approved mRNA vaccines and siRNA drugs. Due to the fragility of RNA, these substances are either chemically modified or encapsulated in lipids to protect them. This presentation will demonstrate techniques using CAS® information and KNIME® to analyze siRNA chemical modification patterns, and will demonstrate combining CAS information with DrugBank and FDA data in KNIME for insights into mRNA delivery.  BIOGRAPHIES Anne Marie Clark is a Senior Searcher on the CAS IP Services team. Her particular subject expertise is small molecules, sequences and formulations. She is skilled in patent search, analysis and landscaping. Anne Marie holds a Doctorate in biophysical chemistry from the University of Louisville. Prior to joining CAS, she was a Principal at Long Eaton LLC, where she searched and analyzed patents related to biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. Anne Marie was also an Intellectual Property Manager and Principal Scientist at Bausch & Lomb, and an Information Scientist and Associate Director in Information Management at Pfizer. Anne Marie is a member of the Patent Information Users Group (PIUG®), Licensing Executive Society (LES), Women in Bio, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO®), and the American Chemical Society (ACS). Matt McBride is Director IP Search at CAS, where he manages all aspects of IP service development and sales, and works regularly with CAS customers to develop effective strategies for delivering high-quality IP and scientific information. He became a member of the IP Services team in 2010, after spending six years as a Senior Application Specialist providing technical training for the STN and SciFinder software platforms to CAS customers. He holds a Master of Science degree in plant pathology from the University of Minnesota and a Bachelor of Science degree in molecular biology from Purdue University. In addition to his research experience at CAS, Matt was an information consultant with Thomson Reuters and a biologist at Rohm and Haas. Matt is a member of the Patent Information Users Group (PIUG®) and the American Chemical Society (ACS).

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