PIUG 2022 - Monday

Why IFI?

It's all about the ping!

All our client databases across the globe are continually and constantly "pinging" our primary database. When we update our database - automatically and simultaneously all our client databases receive the update or correction, replacing the “old document.” This process is essential and what differentiates IFI among patent data suppliers. Our update process is fully automated, ensuring reliable data synchronization. Other data sources are not fully automated and leave the customer to stitch together file-based updates, which increases the risk of synchronization errors.


rrections, reissues, updates are sent primary d t base

Corrections, reissues, and updates are sent from primary database


Custom Data Services

Contact Us

Acquiring new content and linking data sets together takes time and consumes valuable resources. IFI delivers agile integration capabilities to help you develop the data maturity standards you need.

195 Church St., 11th floor, New Haven, CT 06510, USA info@ificlaims.com +1 203-779-5301 www.ificlaims.com

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