PIUG 2022 - Monday


The Practitioners Guide to IP Intelligence Vasheharan Kanesarajah (Clarivate) 3:20 – 3:50 pm ABSTRACT Big data and analytics have climbed to the top of the corporate agenda, its successful application can offer competitive differentiation and help stay ahead of change. Competitive and market intelligence in partic ular have become valuable tools in strategic planning. For R&D focused organizations, IP information pro vides early insights on competitors and the overall business environment, allowing a company to proac tively adapt its strategy or in extreme cases, change it. But while business leaders recognize the value of better data and insights, IP intelligence is too often not considered in strategic decision-making. A poten tial way forward is for business leaders and corporate strategists to gain an understanding of IP data and an appreciation for how it can benefit the commercial and strategic imperatives driving their organization. Only when business leaders and IP professionals are speaking the same language, can the transformation al value of IP intelligence be harnessed to improve the quality of decision-making in the C-suite. And in the process, truly align IP with business strategy. The presentation will provide a practical to incorporating IP intelligence into strategy development from an experienced strategy and IP Intelligence professional.

BIOGRAPHY Vasheharan (Vashe) Kanesarajah is a senior member of the Strategy team at Clarivate and plays a key role in the design and execution of the organization’s mar ket-focused strategy. He is an experienced patent and technology analyst and has previously managed the European patent analytics practice and was the prin cipal consultant for Asia. Vashe has worked globally with technology-focused corporations, governments and research institutions to deliver actionable intelli gence to support R&D, IP and innovation strategies. His clients have included Fortune 500 board mem bers, government agency heads, CTOs and General Counsels. Vashe has been with Clarivate for 16 years. He holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Hons) and a postgraduate degree in the Management of Intellectual Property from the University of London.

• Bridging the IP and business divide. • IP intelligence for corporate decision making — what does this really mean today. • A practical guide to aligning IP intelligence into strategy frameworks. • The value of data translators.


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