PIUG 2022 - Monday


Integrated Predictive Approach to Accelerating Patent Examinations: A Case Study Jennifer Sexton (CAS Custom Services) 4:10 – 4:40 pm

ABSTRACT Growth in the volume and complexity of patent appli cations is causing longer pendency times, rising costs, and growing backlogs, as well as reducing stakehold er satisfaction, for many patent offices around the world. This presentation will provide an overview of a custom AI-based solution developed by CAS and opti mized in collaboration with the Brazilian patent office as part of Brazil’s effort to eliminate their extensive application backlog. The impactful results included significantly faster examination search times and fewer applications requiring additional searches. The unique approach, recognized by PIUG with the 2021 Stu Kaback Business Impact Award, incorporated the use of multiple, pre dictive search algorithms, workflow transformation, and big data curation, which have broad applications for addressing diverse patent search, classification, and reporting challenges to increase productivity and sustainability across the patent ecosystem.

BIOGRAPHY As part of CAS Custom Services, Jen designs individ ualized client solutions by leveraging CAS content, technology, and subject matter experts to solve com plex client R&D and business challenges. Jen joined CAS Custom Services in 2020 after spending over a decade as a Strategic Account Manager. Part of her former role included writing and delivering technical customer training for the CAS STN and CAS SciFinder® software platforms. Jen holds a Master of Science de gree in chemistry from the University of Notre Dame. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry and a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from South west Minnesota State University. Jen is a member of the Patent Information Users Group (PIUG) and the American Chemical Society (ACS), and is a lifetime member of the Girl Scouts of the USA. She coordinates CAS volunteers for The Ohio State University’s Wonders of our World program, a collaborative science organization bringing active scientists into Columbus City


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