PIUG 2022 - Monday
WIPO Inspire Mussadiq Hussain (World Intellectual Property Organization) 4:40 – 5:10 pm
ABSTRACT WIPO INSPIRE is a one-stop platform integrating expert and social content on patent databases, patent registers, patent analytics, technology transfer and institutional IP policies, providing a unique blend of information and knowledge on resources, tools, and good practices in these areas. The patent database portal provides free access for patent information users and professionals to comprehensive, unbiased, and structured reports highlighting the features and services of a number of national and commercial pat ent databases from around the world. WIPO INSPIRE is a global reference for innovation, helping researchers and entrepreneurs make in formed decisions at critical junctures. It also provides a platform for innovators to engage in dialogue and share their knowledge and experience with other experts from around the world. WIPO continues to expand the coverage of informa tion in all the areas of the platform and looks for ward to receiving input and feedback from PIUG and its members on the continued development of the WIPO INSPIRE platform.
BIOGRAPHY Mr. Hussain joined World Intellectual Property Orga nization (WIPO) in 1996 and has been engaged in its different areas of its activities and services since then. Currently, he is heading Technology Information Sec tion in the IP for Innovators Department of WIPO. He leads the development and maintenance of systems and platforms (i.e. WIPO INSPIRE, TPPM, Patent Reg ister Portal, eTISC etc.) as required to support Depart ment’s activities and to respond to the users’ needs in the WIPO member states, particularly the countries with Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC) networks. He also manages WIPO’s public-pri vate partnership programs ARDI and ASPI and coordi nates with partner UN organizations in Reseach4Life and commercial patent database providers. He holds multiple master’s degrees in international business administration and management of information sys tems from European University, Switzerland.
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