S U N D A Y A F T E R N O O N - W O R K S H O P S

Bizint Smart Charts: Create IP Reports Integrating Your Key Sources JohnWillmore (BizInt Solutions) 4:00 – 4:50 pm

ABSTRACT Come to the BizInt workshop to learn how BizInt Smart Charts for Patents can help you explore the IP universe! John Willmore will discuss best practices for creating reports integrating supported databases (including STNext, Questel, PatBase, GenomeQuest, Derwent Innovation, and Cortellis) including spe cial features for creating IP sequence and chemistry reports. The workshop will cover new developments in BizInt Smart Charts for Patents -- including new support for PatSnap, enhanced support for Minesoft PatBase (including hit highlighting), and new export options for Word and Excel reports -- plus our devel opment roadmap for 2023 and beyond. Plus, there will be plenty of time for your questions and sugges tions for future enhancements!

BIOGRAPHY John Willmore is Vice President, Product Devel opment, for BizInt Solutions, Inc. and manages the development of all aspects of the BizInt Solutions product line. John has over 25 years of experience in processing, analyzing and integrating patent and drug pipeline information, and has worked closely with patent and drug pipeline publishers over that period. He was the head of the TRW Smart Charts team at TRW, Inc. and along with Diane Webb, founded BizInt Solutions in 1996. John has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Rice University and over 30 years experience in software development. John spends his free time doing woodworking, playing amateur ice hockey, and competing with the dogs. He is an American Kennel Club judge for earthdog, dachshund field trials, and agility.


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