W E D N E S D A Y M O R N I N G - W O R K S H O P S

EPO/USPTO: Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) Searching Justin Krause, Terrence Mackey and Dimple Sopariwala (USPTO) 7:15 – 8:50 am

ABSTRACT This workshop will provide search strategies using CPC in New Emerging Technology (NET) fields to im prove knowledge, skills and efficiency for conducting prior art search. Technology examples such as Aerial Drones, Additive Manufacturing and Laminated Mate rials will be presented to provide an overview of these fields, demonstrate classification search practice, and share search strategies. This workshop will include Q&A session with USPTO CPC Subject Matter Experts. BIOGRAPHIES Justin Krause, Classification Quality and International Coordination (CQIC) division, Office of International Patent Cooperation, United States Patent and Trade mark Office. Justin Krause has been with the USPTO for almost 18 years. For the first 10 years, he was a patent examiner in TC 3600, examining machine ele ments, gearing, robotic arms and bearings. Since 2015, he has been with the Office of International Patent Co operation as an International Patent Classifier where he handles classification matters in the mechanical arts. He has provided training on CPC search and clas sification to other national patent offices around the world, as well as to internal and external users at the USPTO. He has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University, a J.D. from the Catholic Universi ty Columbus School of Law and is a member of the Virginia State Bar. Terrence Mackey , Classification Quality and Interna tional Coordination (CQIC) division, Office of Interna tional Patent Cooperation, United States Patent and Trademark Office.Terry attended the University of Wisconsin where he earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Materials Science and Engineering. During his 35

year tenure at USPTO, he has been assigned various roles in support of patent classification activities, including having served as project manager for the development of electronic tools and business processes related to patent reclassification as well as documentation of patent classification information. He has also worked as a patent analyst producing numerous reports of patenting activity and trends. Since 2004, Terry has facilitated USPTO efforts to improve international patent classification systems, in particular efforts to stand-up and improve the Coopera tive Patent Classification (CPC) system, and to harmonize CPC information with the International Patent Classifica tion (IPC) system. Dimple Sopariwala , Classification Quality and Interna tional Coordination (CQIC) division, Office of International Patent Cooperation, United States Patent and Trademark Office. Dimple started her career at the USPTO as an assistant Examiner in 2006 and has examined the patent applications in the Industrial Chemistry and applied en gineering arts in Technology Center 1700. While working as an examiner, Dimple was selected for several detail assignments to the office, such as Patent Training Acade my (PTA) trainer, PTA trainer assistant, Technology Quality Assurance Specialist (TQAS) in TC1700. In 2015, Dimple joined Classification Quality and International Coordina tion (CQIC) division of Office of International Patent Coop eration (OIPC) as International Patent Classifier. In this po sition, she is responsible for ensuring classification quality, formulating classification policy and administrating the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) projects and works with international partners on classification harmoniza tion. Dimple received a Department of Commerce Bronze Medal Award and Exceptional Career Achievement Award for achieving over a decade of outstanding performance of official duties contributing significantly to the mission and goal of the Office. Dimple received her Bachelors of


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