W E D N E S D A Y M O R N I N G - W O R K S H O P S
WORKSHOP: CAS STNext Patent Forum Mike Axton, Scott Hertzog, Darryl French (CAS) JimBrown (FIZ-Karlsruhe) 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
BIOGRAPHY Mike Axton is a CAS Customer Success Specialist, sup porting federal accounts in North America. He has 9 years’ experience as a patent search specialist with strong ex pertise in scientific information retrieval, including chem istry, biotechnology, and materials science. Mike is located near Washington DC and has a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. Scott Hertzog is a Customer Success Specialist based out of Charlotte, NC and covers the southeast and midAtlantic US. He joined CAS after working as an intellectual proper ty searcher for CAS IP Services, as well as for the Scientific and Technical Information Library within the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). He started his career as a patent examiner in the coating composition art. Scott holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from the University of Arizona. Darryl French has been a proud member of PIUG for three years. After graduate school in chemistry, he worked as a document analyst and structure editor at CAS with a focus on polymeric materials. After a tenure at CAS of four years, he transitioned to working as a STIC searcher at the USPTO in the electrical engineering and chemical arts areas. Once again after four years, Darryl rejoined CAS as a Customer Success Specialist. For the last four years he has trained in such CAS tools as the CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform, CAS STNext, and CAS Scientific Patent Explorer. Jim Brown is presently the Senior Key Account Manager for FIZ-Karlsruhe in the U.S. His current duties at FIZ-Karl sruhe Inc. include sales, customer trainings, authoring workshop manuals and presentations, and representing FIZ at conferences and exhibits. Jim was on the PIUG Board of Directors from June 2010 to June 2012 in the po sition of secretary; from June 2012 to June 2016 he served on the PIUG Board of Directors as Vice-Chair..
What’s New In CAS STNext 9:15 - 11:00 am This session will cover the latest database
improvements and developments in CAS STNext, including content updates and new and upcoming functionality. CAS Sequences 11:30 am - 12:00 noon
Moving CAS STNext Answer Sets to CAS SciFinder™ 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
CAS STNext searchers now have the ability to pass answer sets from CAplus, Medline®, or Registry to CAS SciFindern. This recently introduced functionality can support efficient collaboration between expert searchers executing a complex search strategy and scientists or patent attorneys with access to CAS SciFindern, and can connect you to additional filtering capability. This session will illustrate the functionality and demonstrate several ways in which you can leverage it to collaborate closely and share results with your stakeholders. Leveraging CAS PatentPak™ 1:45 pm - 2:15 pm CAS PatentPak helps you efficiently retrieve and analyze full-text patent information. In this session, we’ll provide an overview of recent enhancements to the solution, including the addition of claim tax to help you more readily identify and jump to substances within claims. Wrap Up and Evaluation 2:15 pm - 2:30 pm
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