S U N D A Y M O R N I N G - W O R K S H O P S

LexisNexis: Gain Invaluable Insights into Sustainable Technologies Nicholas Valentino (LexisNexis) 11:00 – 11:50 am

ABSTRACT As organizations face growing pressure to take sus tainability aspects into account across strategic, finan cial and operational decision making, sustainability is emerging as a newmajor value indicator. Through PatentSight®, global patent data can be harnessed to provide an important new source to objectively measure and track innovation’s contribution to global sustainability. Get actionable insights into how sus tainably focused you and your competitors are using the objective and forward-looking measurement of patents. Identify growth opportunities, gain compet itive advantages, support strategic decision making and increase stakeholder engagement and funding. We will take a closer look at the way LexisNexis has mapped patents to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and how these objective mea surements can provide forward-looking indicators of where companies are focusing their attention.

BIOGRAPHY Nicholas Valentino is the Lead IP Customer Suc cess for LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions in the US. He works with international and Fortune 500 companies to ensure effective deployment of patent analysis for Business Strategy, M&A Due Dili gence, Portfolio Management, and other cases. With extensive experience of SAS applications, Nick has developed an innate ability to understand client pro cesses and align them with application functionality; leading to better utilization of time and resources.


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