S U N D A Y A F T E R N O O N - W O R K S H O P S
Clarivate: Defensive Patent Searching: Anticipate and Avoid Pitfalls Throughout the IP Lifecycle Laura Bantle (Clarivate) 12:00 – 12:50 pm
ABSTRACT How can you make your prior art research and claim interpretations invulnerable? This workshop will explore how patent information professionals can tap into often underused sources of patent data to improve the resilience of patent filings and quickly neutralize assertions. See how Derwent Innovation and Darts-ip can help your IP team: • Find ever-evolving claim interpretations in analo gous art. • Search for potential, powerful invalidating refer ences from closed or active patent cases. • Use core Derwent search features and enhance ments to capture new insights.
BIOGRAPHY Laura Bantle is the Lead Solution Consultant for the Derwent business at Clarivate. Laura is a registered US patent attorney and a member of the Minnesota Bar, with over 10 years of experience in IP due diligence, patent and legal research, litigation strategy, and contract drafting. Her primary goal is working with customers to successfully develop and implement their patent research, analytics, and portfolio strategy. Laura earned her B.S. from the College of Biological Sciences at the University of Minnesota, and graduated magna cum laude fromWilliamMitchell College of Law where she served as Editor-in-Chief of the Cybaris® Intellectual Property Law Review. Prior to joining Clarivate Analytics, Laura gained corporate industry experience in pharmaceutical regulatory compliance, patent licensing, and M&A due diligence.
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