THUR - PIUG 2022 Virtual
Hidden Legal Status: What the National File Inspection Doesn’t Always Tell You Stephen Adams (Magister Ltd.) 10:10 – 10:40 am
ABSTRACT Patent information specialists are increasingly being called upon to locate data on the IP rights in force in less familiar, more ‘exotic’, countries. These types of request may challenge our assumptions and our background knowledge about the limits of territorial enforceability of a national or regional patent, into additional jurisdictions. Although the EPO’s system of extension and validation states is well-recognized and documented in their legal status records, there are other examples across the world where such extensions are not well represented, in either formal documentation or electronic records. This presenta tion will dig a little deeper, in order to help informa tion specialists to understand the why, the where, the when and the how of such extension of patent rights.
BIOGRAPHY Stephen Adams is the managing director of Ma gister Ltd., a UK-based consultancy specializing in patents information. Mr. Adams is a Qualified Patent Information Professional (number 20190044100092) and holds a B.Sc. in chemistry from the University of Bristol and an M.Sc. in Information Science from City University, London, as well as professional member ship of the UK’s Chartered Institute of Library and In formation Professionals (CILIP) and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). He was the representative for UK user groups on the information sub-committee of the Standing Advisory Committee to the EPO (SACE PO/PDI) for many years, as well as contributing to the work of the Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) on behalf of the PIUG. He is currently a member of the American Chemical Society’s Committee on Patents and Related Matters (CPRM). He is the author of three editions of “Information Sources in Patents”, the most recent being published in September 2020 by Walter de Gruyter KG. He received the IPI Award in 2012 for outstanding contribution to patent informa tion.
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