PIUG 2021 - Tuesday
Plenary sessions for Tuesday at PIUG 2021
Patent Information Users Group, Inc.
2 Plenary Sessions: TUESDAY
Contents Resistance Isn’t Futile: a Searcher’s Experience of EPO Oppositions
“Not Invented Here” – Some Challenges in Identifying the Origin of Innovation from Patent Priority Data. 4 Evolving Patent Strategies in the Age of Software and Digital Revolution 6 COVID-19 Vaccines in Context: a Look at the mRNA Technology IP Landscape 8 Minimizing Patent Search Infodemics 10 Best Practices for Reporting on Patent Information from a Patent Attorney Perspective 12
Unconventional Times Require Unconventional Search and Analysis Techniques
Monday, May 24 – Friday, May 28 Virtual Meeting 2021 ANNUAL CONFERENCE
Meeting Book prepared by BizInt Solutions Inc., a proud sponsor of the 2021 PIUG Annual Conference
PIUG 2021 TUESDAY Virtual Meeting
T U E S D A Y M O R N I N G 8 : 0 0 A M – 12 : 1 5 A M
Resistance Isn’t Futile: a Searcher’s Experience of EPO Oppositions Robert Austin (Unilever PLC, Unilever Patent Group) 9:30 – 10:05 am
ABSTRACT Innovation is at the heart of Unilever’s ambition to grow sustainably. Science, technology and product development are central to our plans to keep providing consumers with great brands that improve their lives while having a positive impact on the environment and society. Working as either Opponent or Proprietor in ongoing opposition proceedings at the European Patent Office, is an important part of the day-to-day efforts of the Unilever Patent Group supporting these plans and helping to maximise the potential of the company’s R&D investments. In this talk I will highlight the key role of Patent Information Analysts, supporting our Patent Attorneys in their work protecting Unilever brands during opposition proceedings. I will include a few facts, figures and search tips, and hopefully provide a little evidence that Resistance isn’t always futile. BIOGRAPHY Robert Austin joined Unilever as a Patent Information Analyst in 2016. In this role he supports the work of Unilever Patent Group Attorneys, conducting a variety of patentability, freedom-to-operate, opposition, and other related searches. Rob previously worked for 15 years at STN/FIZ Karlsruhe, in marketing, sales and customer training, with particular focus on the Derwent World Patents Index (DWPI) and Chemical Abstracts databases on STN. He was also co-creator of the USPTO Genetic Sequence Database, USGENE, along with Martin Goffman CEO of the SequenceBase Corporation (now Clarivate Analytics). Prior to his time at FIZ Karlsruhe, Rob worked for Derwent Information (Clarivate Analytics) in successive roles as a patent indexer, customer trainer, and ultimately DWPI Database Product Manager.
PIUG 2021 TUESDAY Virtual Meeting
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Resistance Isn’t Futile: a Searcher’s Experience of EPO Oppositions Robert Austin (Unilever PLC, Unilever Patent Group)
PIUG 2021 TUESDAY Virtual Meeting
T U E S D A Y M O R N I N G 8 : 0 0 A M – 12 : 1 5 A M
“Not Invented Here” – Some Challenges in Identifying the Origin of Innovation from
Patent Priority Data. Stephen Adams (Magister Ltd.) 10:05 – 10:40 am
ABSTRACT Many statistical studies of bibliographic patent literature include an analysis of priority country, as a standard ranking parameter. The usefulness of such an analysis is predicated upon the assumption that these data are a key to the geographic origin of the relevant research and development activities. In some cases, national “innovation league tables” are compiled using such information, which purport to show “world-leading” economies. We will consider the impact of national foreign- filing policies, specific bilateral agreements to recognise priority, filing at regional patenting authorities and under the PCT, and standards for recording priority data which will enter our search databases. BIOGRAPHY Stephen Adams is the managing director of Magister Ltd., a UK-based consultancy specialising in patents information. Mr. Adams is a Qualified Patent Information Professional (number 20190044100092) and holds a B.Sc. in chemistry from the University of Bristol and an M.Sc. in Information Science from City University, London, as well as professional membership of the UK’s Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP). He has been the representative for UK user groups on the information sub-committee of the Standing Advisory Committee to the EPO (SACEPO/PDI) for many years, as well as contributing to the work of the Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) on behalf of the PIUG. He is the author of three editions of “Information Sources in Patents”, the most recent being published in September 2020 by Walter de Gruyter KG. He received the IPI Award in 2012 for outstanding contribution to patent information.
PIUG 2021 TUESDAY Virtual Meeting
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“Not Invented Here” – Some Challenges in Identifying the Origin of Innovation from Patent Priority Data Stephen Adams (Magister Ltd.)
PIUG 2021 TUESDAY Virtual Meeting
T U E S D A Y M O R N I N G 8 : 0 0 A M – 12 : 1 5 A M
Evolving Patent Strategies in the Age of Software and Digital Revolution Debra L Banville (DLBanville LLC) 11:00 – 11:35 am ABSTRACT Warren Buffett coined the term “Economic Moat” to describe the competitive advantage one company has over other companies within a given industry. In 2018, Elon Musk criticized Warren’s “economic moats” strategy as defensive, saying the “pace of innovation” is more important. I believe the “truth is in the middle.” Any good business strategy requires a defense (a moat) and an offense (innovation) if you want to play the “long game.” Patent analysis is increasingly demanding an understanding of the larger evolving business context and our ability to articulate this context. My presentation will look at the more holistic business-IP frameworks and provide illustrative examples. BIOGRAPHY Debra Banville is a Business specialist and consultant. She focuses on helping large and small businesses create actionable insights across various technology areas from biobased to electronics/ materials and digital IoT. Building on previous R&D experience at AstraZeneca as a PI and Information Scientist, Debra created an insight generation platform at DuPont. She has numerous scientific publications and a passion for digital technology business modeling. Her credentials include PMP (PMI.org) and Competitive Intelligence Professional (CIP, Fuld-Gilad-Herring), training in Business Model Innovation (BMILabs.com), a B.A. in Chemistry from Brandeis University, a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Emory University, and a Postdoctorate in Biomedical Research at the University of California at San Francisco’s School of Pharmacy.
PIUG 2021 TUESDAY Virtual Meeting
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Evolving Patent Strategies in the Age of Software & Digital Revolution Debra L Banville (DLBanville LLC)
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Learn how visualizations like these can be used to understand IP in the mRNA vaccine area : Join Matt Eberle’s talk on Tuesday
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PIUG 2021 TUESDAY Virtual Meeting
T U E S D A Y A F T E R N O O N 12 : 4 5 P M – 4 : 3 5 P M
COVID-19 Vaccines in Context: a Look at the mRNA Technology IP Landscape Matt Eberle (BizInt) 1:45 – 2:15 pm
ABSTRACT Our COVID-19 vaccine dashboard aims to place COVID-19 vaccines in context. The primary visualization is a bullseye plotting the movement of vaccinations from initial clinical trials to authorization. Dividing the vaccines by technology allows for comparison. Are the majority of vaccines in clinical trials using the same type of technology as the authorized vaccines? We can also build a piano chart with the same data, which allows us to include additional information. The piano included in our dashboard adds country for highest phase. In order to focus on the critical element of time, we built a timeline of trials for key vaccines, initially aimed at understanding when a vaccine might be available. The dashboard visualizations look at COVID-19 vaccines overall. With two of the first approved vaccines being RNA vaccines, can we look to IP to see why? We’ll use the same data- driven visualization approach that we used with the broader dashboard to focus on a single vaccine technology. BIOGRAPHY Following over ten years of experience at Wyeth, Pfizer and Sunovion as a Senior Information Scientist and Pharmaceutical Information Analyst, since 2013 Matt has helped BizInt customers use the BizInt Smart Charts and VantagePoint tools to create new solutions to address their challenges and problems. Matt lives outside Boston, MA.
PIUG 2021 TUESDAY Virtual Meeting
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COVID-19 Vaccines in Context: a Look at the mRNA Technology IP Landscape Matt Eberle (BizInt)
PIUG 2021 TUESDAY Virtual Meeting
T U E S D A Y A F T E R N O O N 12 : 4 5 P M – 4 : 3 5 P M
Minimizing Patent Search Infodemics Yateen Pargaonkar (Riser IP LLC) and Edlyn Simmons (Simmons Patent Information Service, LLC) 3:25 – 4:00 pm
ABSTRACT An “infodemic” is defined as an excessive amount of information concerning a problem such that the solution is made more difficult. For patent search results, infodemics can refer to either a large quantity of irrelevant records or missing many important records. Knowing how to turn voluminous patent data to usable and reliable patent intelligence is not easy and it can lead to patent search infodemics. Democratization of patent search tools with access to patent data has raised the expectation that at least preliminary patent searching can be done by anyone. If executed correctly, conventional boolean and/or newer AI augmented patent searching can generate a triage of patents of interest. However, minor differences in choice of keywords, boolean search operators, classification codes, value-added indexing, citations, inventor names, assignee names, and/or usage of different databases can cause patent search “infodemics”. It is hard for the occasional or newer patent searcher to have a grasp on the idiosyncrasies of patent data, source documentation, and advanced patent search concepts. With carefully chosen examples, this presentation highlights the common mistakes made during patent searching and provides a framework for better patent searches. BIOGRAPHIES Yateen Pargaonkar is the Founder and Managing Director of Riser IP LLC, a specialized patent search, analysis, and IP competitive intelligence service provider. Yateen’s experience includes patent information search, analysis, and IP competitive intelligence roles of increasing responsibility in different sectors, including energy, pharma, biotech, nutrition, and consumer goods. Yateen has degrees in chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology, as well as three years of research experience at Columbia University. He is a registered U.S. Patent Agent, a reviewer for World Patent Information, and a member of PIUG. Edlyn S. Simmons founded Simmons Patent Information Service, LLC, in 2009 after retiring from her positions as Principal Information Scientist in The Procter & Gamble Co.’s Infolytics group and Manager of the Patent Information Group in the Patent Department of Hoechst Marion Roussel, Inc. She received BS and MS degrees in chemistry from the University of Cincinnati and is a registered U. S. patent agent. Ms. Simmons is a founding member of PIUG and served as Chair in 1990–1992 and Director-at-Large in 2000–2004 and 2005–10. She has been a member of the American Chemical Society Joint Board-Council Committee on Patents and Related Matters, in 2001–2011 and 2013– present. She received the International Patent Information Award in 2005.
PIUG 2021 TUESDAY Virtual Meeting
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Minimizing Patent Search Infodemics Yateen Pargaonkar (Riser IP LLC) and Edlyn Simmons (Simmons Patent Information Service, LLC)
PIUG 2021 TUESDAY Virtual Meeting
T U E S D A Y A F T E R N O O N 12 : 4 5 P M – 4 : 3 5 P M
Best Practices for Reporting on Patent Information from a Patent Attorney Perspective Susanne Hantos (Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd) 4:00 – 4:35 pm
ABSTRACT Reporting search results in a clear and useful manner is just as important as conducting the search well. Reporting can take many different formats, but there are some fundamental aspects that apply to all search reports. As a patent attorney, I have seen some stellar reports and some not-so-stellar reports. In this presentation, I will discuss the do’s and don’ts of reporting search results. BIOGRAPHY Susanne Hantos is Senior Patent Counsel and the Manager of the Patent Intelligence Services division of Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd, an Asia-Pacific intellectual property law firm. Susanne is a registered Australian and New Zealand patent attorney and a Canadian patent agent who specializes in searching and analysing patent and other technical information in order to provide intellectual property advice. Susanne has been an active volunteer of the PIUG since 2008 including as the Chair of the Certification Working Group (2008–2011) and as the Co-Chair of the 2014 Annual Conference Program Committee. Susanne also served on the PIUG Board of Directors from 2012 to 2014 as the PIUG Chair. In 2014, she was appointed as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of World Patent Information and since 2016 she has been a member of the editorial advisory board for the journal. Susanne also volunteered as a co-ordinator of the international certification initiative for Qualified Patent Information Professionals (QPIP). In 2018, she became the Vice Chair of the Supervisory Council of the International Standards Board for QPIPs.
PIUG 2021 TUESDAY Virtual Meeting
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Best Practices for Reporting on Patent Information from a Patent Attorney Perspective Susanne Hantos (Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd)
PIUG 2021 TUESDAY Virtual Meeting
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PIUG 2021 TUESDAY Virtual Meeting
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