PIUG 2021 - Tuesday


PIUG 2021  TUESDAY  Virtual Meeting

 T U E S D A Y A F T E R N O O N 12 : 4 5 P M – 4 : 3 5 P M

Best Practices for Reporting on Patent Information from a Patent Attorney Perspective Susanne Hantos (Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd) 4:00 – 4:35 pm

 ABSTRACT Reporting search results in a clear and useful manner is just as important as conducting the search well. Reporting can take many different formats, but there are some fundamental aspects that apply to all search reports. As a patent attorney, I have seen some stellar reports and some not-so-stellar reports. In this presentation, I will discuss the do’s and don’ts of reporting search results.  BIOGRAPHY Susanne Hantos is Senior Patent Counsel and the Manager of the Patent Intelligence Services division of Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd, an Asia-Pacific intellectual property law firm. Susanne is a registered Australian and New Zealand patent attorney and a Canadian patent agent who specializes in searching and analysing patent and other technical information in order to provide intellectual property advice. Susanne has been an active volunteer of the PIUG since 2008 including as the Chair of the Certification Working Group (2008–2011) and as the Co-Chair of the 2014 Annual Conference Program Committee. Susanne also served on the PIUG Board of Directors from 2012 to 2014 as the PIUG Chair. In 2014, she was appointed as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of World Patent Information and since 2016 she has been a member of the editorial advisory board for the journal. Susanne also volunteered as a co-ordinator of the international certification initiative for Qualified Patent Information Professionals (QPIP). In 2018, she became the Vice Chair of the Supervisory Council of the International Standards Board for QPIPs.

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