PIUG 2021 - Tuesday


PIUG 2021  TUESDAY  Virtual Meeting

 T U E S D A Y M O R N I N G 8 : 0 0 A M – 12 : 1 5 A M

“Not Invented Here” – Some Challenges in Identifying the Origin of Innovation from

Patent Priority Data. Stephen Adams (Magister Ltd.) 10:05 – 10:40 am

 ABSTRACT Many statistical studies of bibliographic patent literature include an analysis of priority country, as a standard ranking parameter. The usefulness of such an analysis is predicated upon the assumption that these data are a key to the geographic origin of the relevant research and development activities. In some cases, national “innovation league tables” are compiled using such information, which purport to show “world-leading” economies. We will consider the impact of national foreign- filing policies, specific bilateral agreements to recognise priority, filing at regional patenting authorities and under the PCT, and standards for recording priority data which will enter our search databases.  BIOGRAPHY Stephen Adams is the managing director of Magister Ltd., a UK-based consultancy specialising in patents information. Mr. Adams is a Qualified Patent Information Professional (number 20190044100092) and holds a B.Sc. in chemistry from the University of Bristol and an M.Sc. in Information Science from City University, London, as well as professional membership of the UK’s Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP). He has been the representative for UK user groups on the information sub-committee of the Standing Advisory Committee to the EPO (SACEPO/PDI) for many years, as well as contributing to the work of the Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) on behalf of the PIUG. He is the author of three editions of “Information Sources in Patents”, the most recent being published in September 2020 by Walter de Gruyter KG. He received the IPI Award in 2012 for outstanding contribution to patent information.

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