Sunday & Wednesday
CONFERENCE An International Conference for Patent Information Professionals
30 April – 3 May, 2023 Alexandria, Virginia
Sunday and Wednesday WORKSHOPS
Meeting Book prepared by BizInt Solutions Inc., a proud sponsor of the 2023 PIUG Annual Conference
S U N D A Y M O R N I N G - W O R K S H O P S
LexisNexis: Gain Invaluable Insights into Sustainable Technologies Nicholas Valentino (LexisNexis) 11:00 – 11:50 am
ABSTRACT As organizations face growing pressure to take sus tainability aspects into account across strategic, finan cial and operational decision making, sustainability is emerging as a newmajor value indicator. Through PatentSight®, global patent data can be harnessed to provide an important new source to objectively measure and track innovation’s contribution to global sustainability. Get actionable insights into how sus tainably focused you and your competitors are using the objective and forward-looking measurement of patents. Identify growth opportunities, gain compet itive advantages, support strategic decision making and increase stakeholder engagement and funding. We will take a closer look at the way LexisNexis has mapped patents to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and how these objective mea surements can provide forward-looking indicators of where companies are focusing their attention.
BIOGRAPHY Nicholas Valentino is the Lead IP Customer Suc cess for LexisNexis Intellectual Property Solutions in the US. He works with international and Fortune 500 companies to ensure effective deployment of patent analysis for Business Strategy, M&A Due Dili gence, Portfolio Management, and other cases. With extensive experience of SAS applications, Nick has developed an innate ability to understand client pro cesses and align them with application functionality; leading to better utilization of time and resources.
2023 Annual Conference WORKSHOPS
LexisNexis: Gain Invaluable Insights into Sustainable Technologies Nicholas Valentino (LexisNexis)
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S U N D A Y A F T E R N O O N - W O R K S H O P S
Clarivate: Defensive Patent Searching: Anticipate and Avoid Pitfalls Throughout the IP Lifecycle Laura Bantle (Clarivate) 12:00 – 12:50 pm
ABSTRACT How can you make your prior art research and claim interpretations invulnerable? This workshop will explore how patent information professionals can tap into often underused sources of patent data to improve the resilience of patent filings and quickly neutralize assertions. See how Derwent Innovation and Darts-ip can help your IP team: • Find ever-evolving claim interpretations in analo gous art. • Search for potential, powerful invalidating refer ences from closed or active patent cases. • Use core Derwent search features and enhance ments to capture new insights.
BIOGRAPHY Laura Bantle is the Lead Solution Consultant for the Derwent business at Clarivate. Laura is a registered US patent attorney and a member of the Minnesota Bar, with over 10 years of experience in IP due diligence, patent and legal research, litigation strategy, and contract drafting. Her primary goal is working with customers to successfully develop and implement their patent research, analytics, and portfolio strategy. Laura earned her B.S. from the College of Biological Sciences at the University of Minnesota, and graduated magna cum laude fromWilliamMitchell College of Law where she served as Editor-in-Chief of the Cybaris® Intellectual Property Law Review. Prior to joining Clarivate Analytics, Laura gained corporate industry experience in pharmaceutical regulatory compliance, patent licensing, and M&A due diligence.
2023 Annual Conference WORKSHOPS
Clarivate: Defensive Patent Searching: Anticipate and Avoid Pitfalls Throughout the IP Lifecycle Laura Bantle (Clarivate)
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S U N D A Y A F T E R N O O N - W O R K S H O P S Aptean GenomeQuest: Complete Search Coverage with Aptean GenomeQuest Sequence and Full Text Document Searching:
Mining Key Combinations Stephen Allen (Aptean GenomeQuest) 1:00 – 1:50 pm
ABSTRACT Aptean GenomeQuest recently expanded our search capabilities to include Full Text Document searching. Along with our best in class sequence searching, we have added the ability to search through 24.7+ million Life Science Patent documents. Working completely within the GenomeQuest system, searchers can com pare their data to over 565 million sequences from patents, search keywords in an exhaustive collection of Life Science patents, and combine the data with multiple merge types for analysis. GenomeQuest filters, views, and custom sorts enable searchers to slice through the data to find IP significant to their project. Please join us at the PIUG Annual workshop to see how we have integrated text searching under the Aptean GenomeQuest tool.
BIOGRAPHY Steve Allen joined Aptean GenomeQuest in Sep tember of 2017, he is the Senior Solutions Consultant for GenomeQuest & LifeQuest. Steve previously worked at Dupont and his background includes work in a patent group and work as a computational biologist in an agricultural discovery group. Steve has been working with sequence data of one form or another for over 30 years.
2023 Annual Conference WORKSHOPS
Aptean GenomeQuest: Complete Search Coverage with Aptean GenomeQuest Sequence and Full Text Document Searching: Mining Key Combinations Stephen Allen (Aptean GenomeQuest)
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S U N D A Y A F T E R N O O N - W O R K S H O P S IFI CLAIMS: Patent Notifications May Be Tedious But They’re Essential. Ignore Them at Your Own Risk. How IFI CLAIMS Incorporates the Ever-Shifting Data Into Its Repository. Janice Stevenson (IFI CLAIMS Patent Services) 2:00 – 2:50 pm
ABSTRACT Patent data, unfortunately, is riddled with errors and omissions. Which isn’t exactly surprising if you con sider that patent authorities around the world publish hundreds of thousands of documents weekly and post updates to millions of existing records in the same time frame. It’s just a fact of the patenting life— some authority, somewhere, somehow scrambles the data. This workshop will showcase how IFI assists its clients to ensure the data they’re using is the cleanest it can be. We’ll reveal the research we perform on data errors, discuss our deep relationships with the patent authorities and explain how we manage corrections so that our clients don’t make mistakes.
BIOGRAPHY Janice Stevenson , Executive Vice President of Client Services, applies her vast client support experience to providing IFI clients the foundation they need to bring their applications to full fruition. She draws on past experiences as a trainer, sales manager, and de veloper focused on intellectual property and patent applications.
2023 Annual Conference WORKSHOPS
IFI CLAIMS: Patent Notifications May Be Tedious But They’re Essential. Ignore Them at Your Own Risk. How IFI CLAIMS Incorporates the Ever-Shifting Data Into Its Repository. Janice Stevenson (IFI CLAIMS Patent Services)
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S U N D A Y A F T E R N O O N - W O R K S H O P S
Minesoft: A Familiar Song in a New Key-word: More Efficient Technology Searching Using Full-Text Indexing Andrew Klein (Minesoft) 3:00 – 3:50 pm
ABSTRACT A list of keywords, combined with Boolean and/or proximity operators, to conduct a comprehensive and relevant technology search of the patent literature… you know this tune. It’s still a classic alongside all the other new releases. Make your search strategies sing a little brighter with new full-text indexing capabil ities fromMinesoft. We’ll cover what we’re doing to improve your ability to find mention of numerical quantities, chemical structures, and diseases & ther apeutic targets in the full text of patents. The result will be quick ways to make your keyword searching and alerting easier and more efficient. We hope it’ll be music to your ears.
BIOGRAPHY Andrew Klein is Principal Solution Consultant at Minesoft. Andrew has a bachelor’s degree in chem istry from St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN (where he also sang in the St. Olaf Choir) and a Master of Library Science degree from Indiana University in Bloomington. Andrew has consulted with corpora tions and law firms around the world on best prac tices for using patent intelligence for prosecution, competitive intelligence, technology landscaping, licensing, IP strategy development, portfolio man agement, and more. In his free time, he sings in a professional choral ensemble called The Singers – Minnesota Choral Artists.
2023 Annual Conference WORKSHOPS
Minesoft: A Familiar Song in a New Key-word: More Efficient Technology Searching Using Full-Text Indexing Andrew Klein (Minesoft)
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S U N D A Y A F T E R N O O N - W O R K S H O P S
Bizint Smart Charts: Create IP Reports Integrating Your Key Sources JohnWillmore (BizInt Solutions) 4:00 – 4:50 pm
ABSTRACT Come to the BizInt workshop to learn how BizInt Smart Charts for Patents can help you explore the IP universe! John Willmore will discuss best practices for creating reports integrating supported databases (including STNext, Questel, PatBase, GenomeQuest, Derwent Innovation, and Cortellis) including spe cial features for creating IP sequence and chemistry reports. The workshop will cover new developments in BizInt Smart Charts for Patents -- including new support for PatSnap, enhanced support for Minesoft PatBase (including hit highlighting), and new export options for Word and Excel reports -- plus our devel opment roadmap for 2023 and beyond. Plus, there will be plenty of time for your questions and sugges tions for future enhancements!
BIOGRAPHY John Willmore is Vice President, Product Devel opment, for BizInt Solutions, Inc. and manages the development of all aspects of the BizInt Solutions product line. John has over 25 years of experience in processing, analyzing and integrating patent and drug pipeline information, and has worked closely with patent and drug pipeline publishers over that period. He was the head of the TRW Smart Charts team at TRW, Inc. and along with Diane Webb, founded BizInt Solutions in 1996. John has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Rice University and over 30 years experience in software development. John spends his free time doing woodworking, playing amateur ice hockey, and competing with the dogs. He is an American Kennel Club judge for earthdog, dachshund field trials, and agility.
2023 Annual Conference WORKSHOPS
Bizint Smart Charts: Create IP Reports Integrating Your Key Sources JohnWillmore (BizInt Solutions)
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W E D N E S D A Y M O R N I N G - W O R K S H O P S
EPO/USPTO: Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) Searching Justin Krause, Terrence Mackey and Dimple Sopariwala (USPTO) 7:15 – 8:50 am
ABSTRACT This workshop will provide search strategies using CPC in New Emerging Technology (NET) fields to im prove knowledge, skills and efficiency for conducting prior art search. Technology examples such as Aerial Drones, Additive Manufacturing and Laminated Mate rials will be presented to provide an overview of these fields, demonstrate classification search practice, and share search strategies. This workshop will include Q&A session with USPTO CPC Subject Matter Experts. BIOGRAPHIES Justin Krause, Classification Quality and International Coordination (CQIC) division, Office of International Patent Cooperation, United States Patent and Trade mark Office. Justin Krause has been with the USPTO for almost 18 years. For the first 10 years, he was a patent examiner in TC 3600, examining machine ele ments, gearing, robotic arms and bearings. Since 2015, he has been with the Office of International Patent Co operation as an International Patent Classifier where he handles classification matters in the mechanical arts. He has provided training on CPC search and clas sification to other national patent offices around the world, as well as to internal and external users at the USPTO. He has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University, a J.D. from the Catholic Universi ty Columbus School of Law and is a member of the Virginia State Bar. Terrence Mackey , Classification Quality and Interna tional Coordination (CQIC) division, Office of Interna tional Patent Cooperation, United States Patent and Trademark Office.Terry attended the University of Wisconsin where he earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Materials Science and Engineering. During his 35
year tenure at USPTO, he has been assigned various roles in support of patent classification activities, including having served as project manager for the development of electronic tools and business processes related to patent reclassification as well as documentation of patent classification information. He has also worked as a patent analyst producing numerous reports of patenting activity and trends. Since 2004, Terry has facilitated USPTO efforts to improve international patent classification systems, in particular efforts to stand-up and improve the Coopera tive Patent Classification (CPC) system, and to harmonize CPC information with the International Patent Classifica tion (IPC) system. Dimple Sopariwala , Classification Quality and Interna tional Coordination (CQIC) division, Office of International Patent Cooperation, United States Patent and Trademark Office. Dimple started her career at the USPTO as an assistant Examiner in 2006 and has examined the patent applications in the Industrial Chemistry and applied en gineering arts in Technology Center 1700. While working as an examiner, Dimple was selected for several detail assignments to the office, such as Patent Training Acade my (PTA) trainer, PTA trainer assistant, Technology Quality Assurance Specialist (TQAS) in TC1700. In 2015, Dimple joined Classification Quality and International Coordina tion (CQIC) division of Office of International Patent Coop eration (OIPC) as International Patent Classifier. In this po sition, she is responsible for ensuring classification quality, formulating classification policy and administrating the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) projects and works with international partners on classification harmoniza tion. Dimple received a Department of Commerce Bronze Medal Award and Exceptional Career Achievement Award for achieving over a decade of outstanding performance of official duties contributing significantly to the mission and goal of the Office. Dimple received her Bachelors of
2023 Annual Conference WORKSHOPS
EPO/USPTO: Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) SearchingWorkshop Justin Krause (EPO) and Terrence Mackey and Dimple Sopariwala USPTO)
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W E D N E S D A Y M O R N I N G - W O R K S H O P S
WORKSHOP: CAS STNext Patent Forum Mike Axton, Scott Hertzog, Darryl French (CAS) JimBrown (FIZ-Karlsruhe) 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
BIOGRAPHY Mike Axton is a CAS Customer Success Specialist, sup porting federal accounts in North America. He has 9 years’ experience as a patent search specialist with strong ex pertise in scientific information retrieval, including chem istry, biotechnology, and materials science. Mike is located near Washington DC and has a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. Scott Hertzog is a Customer Success Specialist based out of Charlotte, NC and covers the southeast and midAtlantic US. He joined CAS after working as an intellectual proper ty searcher for CAS IP Services, as well as for the Scientific and Technical Information Library within the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). He started his career as a patent examiner in the coating composition art. Scott holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from the University of Arizona. Darryl French has been a proud member of PIUG for three years. After graduate school in chemistry, he worked as a document analyst and structure editor at CAS with a focus on polymeric materials. After a tenure at CAS of four years, he transitioned to working as a STIC searcher at the USPTO in the electrical engineering and chemical arts areas. Once again after four years, Darryl rejoined CAS as a Customer Success Specialist. For the last four years he has trained in such CAS tools as the CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform, CAS STNext, and CAS Scientific Patent Explorer. Jim Brown is presently the Senior Key Account Manager for FIZ-Karlsruhe in the U.S. His current duties at FIZ-Karl sruhe Inc. include sales, customer trainings, authoring workshop manuals and presentations, and representing FIZ at conferences and exhibits. Jim was on the PIUG Board of Directors from June 2010 to June 2012 in the po sition of secretary; from June 2012 to June 2016 he served on the PIUG Board of Directors as Vice-Chair..
What’s New In CAS STNext 9:15 - 11:00 am This session will cover the latest database
improvements and developments in CAS STNext, including content updates and new and upcoming functionality. CAS Sequences 11:30 am - 12:00 noon
Moving CAS STNext Answer Sets to CAS SciFinder™ 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
CAS STNext searchers now have the ability to pass answer sets from CAplus, Medline®, or Registry to CAS SciFindern. This recently introduced functionality can support efficient collaboration between expert searchers executing a complex search strategy and scientists or patent attorneys with access to CAS SciFindern, and can connect you to additional filtering capability. This session will illustrate the functionality and demonstrate several ways in which you can leverage it to collaborate closely and share results with your stakeholders. Leveraging CAS PatentPak™ 1:45 pm - 2:15 pm CAS PatentPak helps you efficiently retrieve and analyze full-text patent information. In this session, we’ll provide an overview of recent enhancements to the solution, including the addition of claim tax to help you more readily identify and jump to substances within claims. Wrap Up and Evaluation 2:15 pm - 2:30 pm
2023 Annual Conference WORKSHOPS
WORKSHOP: CAS STNext Patent Forum Mike Axton, Scott Hertzog, Darryl French, JimBrown
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