PIUG 2021 - PIUG Background & Information

Information about PIUG, Milestones, Volunteers, and Awards

Patent Information Users Group, Inc.



PIUG VOLUNTEERS! 5 Milestones Service Awards

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BRIAN STOCKDALE MEMORIAL AWARD 7 STU KABACK BUSINESS IMPACT AWARD 8 Monday, May 24 – Friday, May 28  Virtual Meeting 2021 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Unconventional Times Require Unconventional Search and Analysis Techniques

Meeting Book prepared by BizInt Solutions Inc., a proud sponsor of the 2021 PIUG Annual Conference


PIUG 2021 Annual Conference (Virtual)

Message from the Chair As we continue to work through the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to determine how to accommodate our Biotech Conference and our Annual Conference. It was clear at the end of 2020 that neither conference would be held as in-person events in 2021, and the decision was made to combine them into one, virtual conference. We have combined the best of the annual conference and the best of the biotech conference and designed an agenda that will highlight both and be presented in a format that provides a broad reach to our patent information community. Welcome to the PIUG 2021 Combined Annual and Biotech Conference! Our 2021 conference theme is “Unconventional Times Require Unconventional Search and Analysis Techniques. “ Our speakers have embraced this theme and created presentations that all attendees can learn from and apply to their daily work. I would like to thank each and every one of them for their contribution to our conference. I would also like to thank this year’s program committee for their contributions to putting together such a great program: Lucy Antunes, Yateen Pargaonkar, Greg Roland, Leah Sandvoss, Don Walter, and Martha Yates The success of PIUG’s conferences, of PIUG itself, would be unachievable without the dedication and persistence of our many volunteers. I would like to thank this years planning committee for their contributions to the putting together such a great conference: Malcolm Hallam, Ron Kaminecki, Victoria Smith, Alison Taylor, Jane Thompson, Rick Williams, and Diane Webb. Sincere appreciation and thanks go to our Administrative Coordinator, Ken Koubek. Without his dedication and knowledge of PIUG processes and procedures, this conference would not be possible. In addition to his administrative activities, he contributes to the Socio conference platform, the PIUG conference webpages, and works with all of our sponsors. Finally, tremendous appreciation goes to our sponsors and exhibitors, without whose generous and ongoing support our PIUG conferences could not take place. Our sponsors and exhibitors are full partners in PIUG’s efforts to flourish and fulfill our mission to “support, assist, improve, and enhance the success of patent information professionals….” This Conference, where delegates, speakers, and sponsors join together, represents our mission in action.

Our sponsors for the PIUG 2020 Annual Conference include: BizInt, Clarivate, IFI Claims, STN, aptean GenomeQuest, Ambercite, Minesoft, PatSnap, Questel, and Relativity. This year’s exhibitors include: Relecura, Toyota Technical Development Corporation, and WIPO. This year’s participating organization is EPO. Please make it a point to visit all the sponsors and exhibitors on their pages and during the dedicated vendor time, and plan to attend the sponsored workshops to learn about the products and services that are available to enhance and facilitate your work. The PIUG Board is thrilled that you are able to join us and your fellow patent information professionals virtually to take in a terrific technical program, and to get to know and exchange experience and expertise with your colleagues from around the globe. I would love to be in-person, but am so glad that we still have a forum to be together and share in this great conference. I hope you take advantage of the opportunities to attend the workshops, to spend time with our sponsors, to network and to make a new friend or two! So glad you could join us!

Warm Regards, Shelley Pavlek PIUG Chair 2020-2022

SAVE THE DATES! PIUG 2022 Biotech Conference March 1–2, 2022 Kimpton Marlowe, Cambridge, MA PIUG 2022 Annual Conference May 1–4, 2022 Westin, Alexandria, VA


PIUG 2021 Annual Conference (Virtual)

Thank you to Sponsors Gold Sponsors BizInt Smart Charts Clarivate IFI CLAIMS Patent Services STN Silver Sponsor Aptean GenomeQuest Bronze Sponsors

gratefully acknowledges the generous support provided by our sponsors. The conference would not exist without their support!

Ambercite Minesoft PatSnap Questel Relativity Exhibitor Plus


Exhibitors Relecura Toyota Technical Development Corporation Participating Organization European Patent Office (EPO)


PIUG 2021 Annual Conference (Virtual)



The Patent Information Users Group, Inc. (PIUG) is a not-for-profit organization for individuals having a professional, scientific or technical interest in patent information. The mission of PIUG is to support, assist, improve and enhance the success of patent information professionals through leadership, education, communication, advocacy and networking. Through this international forum and discussion, we also promote and improve the retrieval, analysis and dissemination of patent information. The PIUG membership brochure offers concise information about PIUG and its many benefits for the patent information community. PIUG has over 500 active members representing 24 countries including the United States. The largest concentration of members is from the USA, Europe and India. PIUG members are patent attorneys, patent agents, licensing professionals, patent information researchers, patent information vendors, and patent information and documentation experts from the U.S. and abroad. We have nearly 300 patent information professionals who do patent searching for corporations, over 100 patent information consultants, over 80 patent information professionals who do patent searching for law firms, and about 12 searchers based in academic institutions. We are employed in performing patentability, freedom-to- practice, and validity patent searches for Fortune 500 / multinational companies, leading universities and major IP law firms. In recent years, PIUG members have also engaged in patent information analysis as a strategic innovation tool. PIUG has a Discussion Forum that is featured on the PIUG wiki which is for archival purposes as well as a Public Discussion Forum on the website which is available for new posts, a global collaborative tool with over 1800 subscribers worldwide. In addition, we have presence in professional and social networking channels, such as LinkedIn and Twitter. The PIUG wiki currently contains members’ articles, salary survey results, search tips, meeting trip reports, and information on patent database vendor and producer developments. Get to know us and meet the PIUG Officers. BRIEF HISTORY The Patent Information Users Group (PIUG) was established in 1988. The objective of the group was to create a forum to discuss issues and concerns relevant to the patent searcher community. PIUG promotes the importance of intellectual property, especially patent publications, and most specifically, the computerized patent databases. Since 1988, PIUG has worked with intellectual property database producers and vendors to maintain and to improve the quality of their product from the customer, or user, perspective. Please see the PIUG History page for much more information about PIUG.


PIUG 2021 Annual Conference (Virtual)


Chair, 2020-2022:

Shelley Pavlek, Bristol-Myers Squibb

Vice Chair, 2020-2022:

Kim Miller, Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research

Immediate Past Chair, 2020-2022: Martha Yates, Bayer

Secretary, 2020-2022:

Leah Sandvoss, Pfizer

Treasurer, 2020-2022:

Malcolm Hallam, ExxonMobil

Director-at-Large, 2018–2022:

Ron Kaminecki

Director-at-Large, 2020–2024:

Victoria Smith, Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research


Program Co-Chairs

Greg Roland and Shelley Pavlek


Lucy Antunes, Yateen Pargaonkar, Leah Sandvoss, Don Walter, Martha Yates


Planning Co-Chairs

Martha Yates and Ken Koubek

Planning Committee Malcolm Hallam, Ron Kaminecki, Shelley Pavlek, Victoria Smith, Alison Taylor, Jane Thompson, Diane Webb, Rick Williams Stu Kaback Business Impact Award Committee Shelley Pavlek (Chair), Malcolm Hallam, Tony Trippe, Yun Yang, and Martha Yates Brian Stockdale Award Committee Tony Trippe (Chair), Stephen Adams, Andrea Davis, Dominic DeMarco, and Ken Koubek Evaluations Christine Geluk Meeting Book Diane Webb Registration Ken Koubek Sponsorship & Exhibits Jane Thompson, Ken Koubek


Rick Williams


PIUG 2021 Annual Conference (Virtual)


• PIUG born; organizational meeting following IFI meeting • First discussion list on Dialmail


• 30th Anniversary of PIUG • Implemented volunteer recognition program


2019 2020

• First paid webinar educational series

• First virtual annual conference

• First Virtual Combined Annual & Biotech Conference • Re-energized Education & Training Committee • Re-energized Electronic Communications Committee • New Leadership for the Partnerships & Patent Offices Committee • Implemented a Volunteer Recruitment Committee • Implemented Community Engagement Hours • Implemented an Automated Marketing Effort via Higher Logic • Consistent use of Social Media Outlets, LinkedIn, Twitter & Instagram


• In recognition of Chris’s service to PIUG as a behind-the scenes support of operational activities since 2017. Service Awards

Christopher S. Baldwin


Cynthia Gallagher

In recognition of Cynthia’s contributions to the PIUG Partnerships and Patent Offices Committee 2019

Yun Yun Yang Tony Trippe

In recognition of Yun Yun’s many contributions to PIUG Conferences.

2019 2020 2020 2020

In recognition for Tony’s many contributions to PIUG. In recognition for Kim’s many contributions to PIUG.


Leah Sandvoss

In recognition for Leah’s many contributions to PIUG Biotech Conferences.

Barbara Hampton

In recognition of Barbara’s contributions to the Member Relations Committee, and her assistance with advertising and promoting PIUG events and conferences 2021 In recognition of Yateen’s contributions to the Northeast & Annual Conference Program Committees, and his willingness to contribute presentations to support the conferences 2021 In recognition of Jane’s contributions to the Annual Conference Planning Committee and the Sponsorship Committee 2021

Yateen Pargaonkar

Jane Thompson

PIUG Service Award winners, 1998-present


PIUG 2021 Annual Conference (Virtual)

BRIAN STOCKDALE MEMORIAL AWARD The annual Brian Stockdale Memorial Award was first presented in 2002 to provide support to newmembers to attend an Annual Conference. The award was established in honor of the late Brian Stockdale with initial funding by Technology and Patent Research International and Thomson Scientific (now Thomson Reuters).

Anyone new to the patent information profession, having less than 3 years total experience as a patent information professional or currently enrolled in a college or university with a demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in patents, may submit an essay detailing his or her experience and interest in patent information and need for support to attend the Annual Conference. The award consists of up to $2000 to cover travel and expenses plus registration in the conference, provided by PIUG. In addition, sponsors of fee-based workshops at the conferences may offer free registration as part of the award package. This award is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Brian Stockdale who travelled extensively throughout the world imparting his knowledge of patent searching. Brian’s career encompassed positions with Derwent, SmithKline Beecham, and Technology and Patent Research International. As Brian was so well known internationally and trained many patent information professionals, his work was highly regarded. Brian always relished each new search as a challenge and loved working with the people in this industry. Brian is dearly remembered by his friends and colleagues most of all for his dry wit, keen intellect, and ease of meeting people and socializing wherever he went. As one of the world’s most talented patent information search professionals, he is sorely missed. This is our tribute to his personal dedication in training colleagues, particularly those new to the field of chemical patent searching.



Year 2019 2020

Rachel Knapp Chandrasekaran Vijayalakshmi

University of Maine (now at University of Colorado, Boulder) University College of Engineering, Kancheepuram

Mohammed Abdul Fasi Máté András Kondor

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals


Uppdragshuset Sverige AB 2020 Guruprasad G. Posugade Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), for Research & Development of Information Products (URDIP) 2020 Hida Patwe Researchwire Knowledge Solutions 2021 Sparsh Gupta GreyB Services 2021 Haya Patwe Researchwire Knowledge Solutions 2021

Brian Stockdale Memorial Award winners, 2002-present


PIUG 2021 Annual Conference (Virtual)

STU KABACK BUSINESS IMPACT AWARD As the PIUG’s mission is to “support, assist, improve and enhance the success of patent information professionals,” it follows that one of the most important functions the PIUG should serve is to highlight the importance of patent information professionals to their respective organizations and to take a more active role in promoting and encouraging the growth of our profession. In order to promote the profession and its practitioners, The Stu Kaback Business Impact Award has been established by the PIUG, Inc. in Honorable Memory of

Dr. Stuart Kaback for his many outstanding accomplishments during his stellar 42 year career at ExxonMobil. As an internationally recognized expert in patent information, a multi-award winner and a prolific writer who inspired an entire generation of patent information professionals, Stu was a deeply respected and greatly loved “force of nature.” Stu’s unparalleled technical expertise in patent information and a diverse range of chemical and petroleum related technologies provided invaluable support to both R&D initiatives and in the protection of ExxonMobil’s intellectual property assets. Stu’s accomplishments demonstrate how a patent information professional can be critical to the success of a business. The purpose of the Stu Kaback Business Impact Award is to recognize the achievements of an individual or a team of individuals who, in performing as patent information professionals, have made a distinct impact on an organization. The PIUG sponsored award consists of a cash award, a commemorative figurine and gratis registration at the PIUG Annual Conference.



Year 2018 2020 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021

Amy De Coster and Janet Larsen


Martha Yates Philippe Ayala



Nicholas Cockroft

Yi Deng

Rodney Fulford Mark Grabau Dmitri Polshakov Donald Swartwout

Jeffrey Wilson

Stu Kaback Business Impact Award winners, 2013-present

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