PIUG 2021 - PIUG Background & Information


PIUG 2021 Annual Conference (Virtual)

STU KABACK BUSINESS IMPACT AWARD As the PIUG’s mission is to “support, assist, improve and enhance the success of patent information professionals,” it follows that one of the most important functions the PIUG should serve is to highlight the importance of patent information professionals to their respective organizations and to take a more active role in promoting and encouraging the growth of our profession. In order to promote the profession and its practitioners, The Stu Kaback Business Impact Award has been established by the PIUG, Inc. in Honorable Memory of

Dr. Stuart Kaback for his many outstanding accomplishments during his stellar 42 year career at ExxonMobil. As an internationally recognized expert in patent information, a multi-award winner and a prolific writer who inspired an entire generation of patent information professionals, Stu was a deeply respected and greatly loved “force of nature.” Stu’s unparalleled technical expertise in patent information and a diverse range of chemical and petroleum related technologies provided invaluable support to both R&D initiatives and in the protection of ExxonMobil’s intellectual property assets. Stu’s accomplishments demonstrate how a patent information professional can be critical to the success of a business. The purpose of the Stu Kaback Business Impact Award is to recognize the achievements of an individual or a team of individuals who, in performing as patent information professionals, have made a distinct impact on an organization. The PIUG sponsored award consists of a cash award, a commemorative figurine and gratis registration at the PIUG Annual Conference.



Year 2018 2020 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021

Amy De Coster and Janet Larsen


Martha Yates Philippe Ayala



Nicholas Cockroft

Yi Deng

Rodney Fulford Mark Grabau Dmitri Polshakov Donald Swartwout

Jeffrey Wilson

Stu Kaback Business Impact Award winners, 2013-present

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