PIUG 2021 - PIUG Background & Information


PIUG 2021 Annual Conference (Virtual)

BRIAN STOCKDALE MEMORIAL AWARD The annual Brian Stockdale Memorial Award was first presented in 2002 to provide support to newmembers to attend an Annual Conference. The award was established in honor of the late Brian Stockdale with initial funding by Technology and Patent Research International and Thomson Scientific (now Thomson Reuters).

Anyone new to the patent information profession, having less than 3 years total experience as a patent information professional or currently enrolled in a college or university with a demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in patents, may submit an essay detailing his or her experience and interest in patent information and need for support to attend the Annual Conference. The award consists of up to $2000 to cover travel and expenses plus registration in the conference, provided by PIUG. In addition, sponsors of fee-based workshops at the conferences may offer free registration as part of the award package. This award is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Brian Stockdale who travelled extensively throughout the world imparting his knowledge of patent searching. Brian’s career encompassed positions with Derwent, SmithKline Beecham, and Technology and Patent Research International. As Brian was so well known internationally and trained many patent information professionals, his work was highly regarded. Brian always relished each new search as a challenge and loved working with the people in this industry. Brian is dearly remembered by his friends and colleagues most of all for his dry wit, keen intellect, and ease of meeting people and socializing wherever he went. As one of the world’s most talented patent information search professionals, he is sorely missed. This is our tribute to his personal dedication in training colleagues, particularly those new to the field of chemical patent searching.



Year 2019 2020

Rachel Knapp Chandrasekaran Vijayalakshmi

University of Maine (now at University of Colorado, Boulder) University College of Engineering, Kancheepuram

Mohammed Abdul Fasi Máté András Kondor

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals


Uppdragshuset Sverige AB 2020 Guruprasad G. Posugade Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), for Research & Development of Information Products (URDIP) 2020 Hida Patwe Researchwire Knowledge Solutions 2021 Sparsh Gupta GreyB Services 2021 Haya Patwe Researchwire Knowledge Solutions 2021

Brian Stockdale Memorial Award winners, 2002-present

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